If you rely on a fleet of lorries within your business, keeping up with maintenance should be a top priority to avoid problems like blowouts. However, most of the time burst tyres will happen when you least expect them so your drivers must know what to do in this situation.
Here’s what you need to if a lorry tyre burst unexpectedly.
How do you know if a tyre has burst?
Lorries are very large vehicles so chances are if tyre bursts you’re going to know about it! You are likely to hear a loud bang and notice a difference in the balance of the lorry whether it has blown in the front or the back. In large vehicles, tyre damage will often lead to a lack of control and pulling to one side so it’s important to act quickly.
What should you do when a tyre bursts?
Maintain control
When a tyre bursts while driving at a high speed this can be very dangerous. You should maintain as much control as possible without accelerating or suddenly pressing the brake. Stay calm and let the vehicle gradually lose speed.
Pull into a safe place
To avoid having a road traffic accident or becoming a dangerous hazard to other road others, always pull into a safe place if you can such as the hard shoulder. You should then step out of the vehicle and stand behind the safety railings.
Call for roadside assistance
You should always provide your drivers with emergency contact information for these kinds of situations so they can be assisted as quickly as possible. Once the breakdown team arrives, they will either replace the tyre there and then or tow the vehicle to a nearby repair centre.
At Transcare in Derbyshire, we are large fleet maintenance specialists and the largest independent repair agent in the area. Offering roadside assistance for your fleet, emergency repairs and maintenance, you can count on us to keep your fleet running smoothly. Get in touch with us today for more information.